
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Virginia!

Good morning and welcome to Virginia's In Style Stamps birthday blog hop!
You should have arrived here from the letter "B", if not you can start at the beginning here.

This is Lilah from In Style Stamps, isn't she cute?!

This hop is about traveling with Virginia for her birthday and showing her a good time!
If she were to arrive in my town, here's the scenario:  

Welcome to Parker, Arizona Virginia!  
We'd better get you inside,
it's supposed to be 120 degrees here today
and I know it feels like you stepped out of your air conditioned car info a blast furnace.  

We are going to have so much fun while you are here!  
Rest up and cool off for a little while and then get your swim suit on we're going out on the river for the day!  Tomorrow we can go to Lake Havasu and visit the home of the London Bridge and walk around all the shops, rent a paddle boat, feed the ducks and fish even go for a ride to Havasu Landing on the big paddle boat and when we get back home we can have a quick dinner and go to the concert at the Casino!   Unless you'd like to have dinner there instead... I know I would!

Since this is a Birthday Blog Hop, we can't leave you without a chance at a party prize! So here are the rules.
1. Start at the beginning of the blog hop with the letter H.

2. Comment on each Design Team's blog because they need a little love and increase your chances at the party prize.
3. Go to
Virginia's blog  and wish her a Happy Birthday.

The deadline to win a digital image is Sunday, July 18th at 8:00pm Pacific Time.

That's all you need to do! The prize???? Not one, but two! You might win either one by commenting on a blog. Good luck and hope you have fun all along the way!

For your next stop in the hop please visit the very talented letter "R"!!

Happy Birthday Virginia!


  1. I cannot keep up with you! Another wonderful card- beautifully the DSP and I love the ric rac trim down the side of the card!

  2. Very cute ~ love the matching envelope!

  3. Jan, How can you stand 120 degree heat? LOL...that sounds like a fun day. I've never been to Havasu, I hear it is fun though.

    Love the card. And the matching envie. Great job. Thanks for helping to make this day special. It really means a lot to me.

  4. The card is awesome and love the matching envie!!

  5. Darling card - and love the matching envelope.

  6. She's sweet!! Just like a cartoon, very beautiful!

  7. Love this card and the matching envelope is gorgeous! ~Diane

  8. Very cute card...
    this is one of my favorite images :D

  9. Hi there! I live in Yuma, just south of you and we have the same hot weather. Your card and matching envie are so cute. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great card! Love the DP, ric-rac border and envie lining. Your coloring is amazing as always!

  11. That stamp is cute and I love the paper you used and especially that you lined the envie with it.

  12. Gorgeous card Jan! Awesome coloring and I love the envelope!


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