
Monday, July 4, 2011


Just a note to let you know you're in the right place!

I had another birthday go by a few days ago and felt the need for a "make over", a blog make over.  I've been playing with blogger templates and will probably being playing with more blogger templates until I settle on the one I really like.  For now I really like this one, it feels like Arizona in the summertime. 

I changed my blog name just a little too you may have noticed.  When I started my blog in 2007 I was a Stampin' Up! demonstrator but have moved on to other things.  I have been using so many digital images in the last year or so I thought "going digital" might be more appropriate for my blog name.  Don't worry my blog address is still the same so I'll be easy to find - just maybe not as recognizable as before.

Thanks for your faithful support visiting me and leaving comments, it means a lot to me.



  1. It's OK to make some changes, but please don't ever go away! You are such an inspiration to me and your cards always make me smile. Your skills are awesome! Pat K.

  2. ooh lookng good Jan and love the new name
    Lisa x

  3. I did do a "double take" to make sure it was YOUR blog I had linked to and noticed the address was still the same - thanks for providing a brief explanation or I might have thought you were having a mid life crisis. lol

    Hugs, Lisa

  4. LOVE IT Jan- so colorful and happy! Hey, change is good, right? :)
    As long as you don't go away, you can change anything you want on here!

  5. Really like the change Jan....but I saw your latest post first and the new name threw me for a loop there for a minute!!! LOL!

  6. Hi Jan - I LOVE the look of your new blog and think it's perfect for you.

    Thanks for visiting me today and letting me know that my snowman is from Michelle's collection. I thought he was, but when I went to her store to find a link, I could not find one, so then I had to second guess myself.

    Now I'll be sure to update my blog to give credit to Michelle, as it should be! :)



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