
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Inspired Stamps His Little Ones: boy soldier

Thank you for voting for my card in the Craft It Forward contest last week, it won!  There's a prize for the monthly winner so my card is in the running for that, how exciting!!!

Today's my day to say farewell to Inspired Stamps and thank you to Antoinette and the rest of the wonderful design team.  I've been stepping back from some of the design teams I'm on to make more free time.  I've been neglecting myself and need to take better care of my health both physically and spiritually.  I'm also going to cut back on blog posting and try to skip a few days a week.  I'm not sure if that's even possible but I'll try!

Thanks for visiting my blog today -   


  1. WooHoo!! Congrats on the win Jan. It's a wonderful card.

  2. Congrats on the win Jan, Glad I got to be inspire by you while you were on the Inspired Stamps design team, enjoy your free time. Thanks for the Inspiration

  3. Jan, I can totally relate! I've been busting my butt to try to keep posting a card every day on my blog, but I may have to give myself a break here soon or I'm going to have a breakdown myself. Why is it so hard for us to slow down and give ourselves time to re-energize? Right now I feel like I'm burning the candle at THREE ends! LOL

  4. Congrats on the win Jan! Just let us know when we can vote for your card again! Good for you for putting your health and spirit in the forefront.

  5. Congrats on your win, and I totally "get it" for your stepping down. I'm glad you recognize the need to take care of YOU first! Your family will love you for making this decision I'm sure! Enjoy some of that free time you're soon going to have :)

  6. Congrats on the win, Jan! This card is amazing! I am SO HAPPY you are taking that ultra priceless ME time! Remember I told you I don't know how you do it Me Time is VITAL!!! If you only post as needed or when the creative whim takes you, then so be it! Hug YOURSELF today, friend! xo

  7. Congrats on the win, Jan! And, I totally get the cutting back - it is too easy to do too much sometimes! I love this card - the verse was much needed today, too! And, I love how you line your envelopes! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Congratulations Jan! You deserve to win with this awesome card. Good luck with the final contest.
    Jo xx


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