
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Handcrafted Coconut Milk & Honey Soap

I have three friends who suffer from different types of Lupus who would love to have relief from the blistering soars that happen on their skin.  After talking with each of them to see what they'd like to accomplish with a special soap I went to work researching the different kinds of Lupus and herbs I could infuse into oil to possibly give them relief.

To have the finished soap ready to use quicker I infused the herbs in my Crock Pot on low for 4 to 6 hours before I started the actual soap making process.

After straining the herbs from the oil, I added it back to my Crock Pot with the additional oils in my recipe.  Pictured above are all the oils in the Crock Pot, the Sodium Hydroxide/Water solution and additives ready to go.

Here's what the soap looks like at trace before I turned the Crock Pot back on low for an hour to cook and go through the gel phase.

After one hour on low we have gel and are ready to glop the soap batter into a mold.

I have a silicon mini mold for experiments like this and I had a little more soap so I recycled clean half & half container quickly!

After twenty-four hours I popped the soaps out of their molds and sliced them with my wire soap cutter.

Now I have a dozen Coconut Milk & Honey Soaps for my friends with Lupus to sample.

Thanks for visiting my blog today -


  1. How wonderful for you to do this. I enjoyed your step by step process you shared with us. My cousin had lupus...nothing like this was around for her.

  2. I can almost smell how wonderful your soaps are!


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