
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sudz n' Hunni Hog Wash Bacon Soap

I asked my youngest son Michael if he'd like to create some Bacon scented soap with me, he was up for it!  I thought he might have fun pouring all the oils and doing most of the "making" process.

After he had all the oils weighed out and melted I took care of the sodium hydroxide and water solution, when the oils and lye solution were at just the right temperature I poured them in with the oils so the soap making could begin.  

Mike's blending the mixture together to a thin trace, we then added Red Moroccan Clay to half of the soap batter.  I'd never noticed how pink my stick blender was until my son is using it.  

It's time to pour the soap batters into the mold.  We decided on a Tiger Stripe technique to hopefully make our bars of soap look like real bacon.  Mike is pouring the layers of soap.

A close up view of the pour.

When the mold was full and burped of all the air bubbles we could get out of it, the mold went into the oven at 170 degrees for about an hour to help it go through a gel stage.  This is only the second time I've done this CPOP (Cold process oven process) technique and I really like it.  The soap colors come out nice and rich.

24 hours later we un-molded the bacon scented soap and I cut it length wise and it kinda looks like bacon!  It smells like bacon too =)

This batch of soap only yielded six bars of soap because of the way I cut it but I like the look.  If you'd like to try our Hog Wash Bacon Scented Soap there are 5 bars available at my Sudz n' Hunni Soaps online store.  UPDATE - only 2 bars left...

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1 comment:

  1. Hi. First off your card is really cute and the coloring great. Kinda inspires me as its really hot here in Florida. Next is the 'bacon scented' soap. How clever is this. Looks like your son enjoyed making it and what man wouldn't love getting it. (-:
    Looks so real. Good job.


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