
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sudz n' Hunni Sparkling Arizona Citrus Soap

I've been experimenting with a new soap recipe that is slower to come to trace so I can play with new techniques like swirls, stripes and other fun things.  I was reading the July/August issue of Saponifier Magazine and there are three soap artists that have picture tutorials and I want to try them all!

This is my first one, Celine Blacow a.k.a. The Soapstar on YouTube did a photo tutorial of a drop swirl or high pour that was featured in the magazine.  I have tried it before for my Arizona Back Country soap and it turned out nice but not as vivid as I would have liked so once again I'm inspired!

This recipe behaved beautifully, I followed her suggestion choosing a fragrance oil in the citrus or fruity family to help slow down the trace and the only thing that happened with that was it turned my soap batter yellow...  since this recipe was slow moving I had time to go get my Titanium Dioxide and mix a little in a separate measuring cup to add to my base.  Normally I would be running if I even tried to change that at all.

I kept the extras in this recipe to a minimum, just a little Colloidal Oatmeal and Tussah Silk to start out with.  

I waited twenty four hours to un-mold my soap and then another 24 hours before I cut my soap.

Here it is being sliced using my wire soap cutter.

...and all the bars of soap on a piece of parchment paper after being cut into one inch slices.

I like the way each bar of soap is a little different making each one unique.

This Sparkling Arizona Citrus Soap will be on sale in my Sudz n' Hunni Soaps online store starting today!

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