
Friday, December 16, 2016

Beginners Wire Wrap Rhyolite Pendant

Last Saturday I decided to treat myself to learning a new technique, a wire weaving tutorial on YouTube by OxanaCrafts.  I'm still pretty new at wire wrapping/weaving and want to learn all I can and improve my skills so I thought one of her beginner tutorials would be fun.

This is actually my second wrapped pendant using her tutorial.  The first one turned out nice so I was excited to try it again and made a pendant for me!  I had a couple of Rhyolite coin beads in my stash of goodies that were a good size for this and I love Rhyolite.

My first photo is a side view where the wire work shows up the most for a good look at the weave.

My second photo shows the pendant as you'd see it on me but the actual weave is a little hidden.  The black cord the pendant is on is made by me too.  I added copper ends to it and use it as my go to "chain" for a lot of pendants I wear.  

Rhyolite is a semi precious gem stone that is formed by volcanic activity, a common volcanic rock that has a very similar chemical equivalent of granite.  I like the different shades of green in each piece and the clear glassy matrix.

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