
Friday, April 23, 2010

Serindepity Stamps, Copic Certification, Etc.

This week has flown by, I can't believe it's Friday!  I went to the Copic certification in Phoenix Monday, it was really fun and informative and overwhelming and...  you know how you feel when you've spent the day with a bunch of other stampers talking excitedly, a bit creatively overloaded?!  I was even able to go to Hobby Lobby with one of the gals from class on my way home, I'd NEVER been to one before.  We had fun!  Traveling home was pretty peaceful thinking about everything I'd taken in during the class, I needed that two and a half hours to process it all.  I arrived home just in time to tuck my kids in bed and spend an hour with my husband before it was time to call it a day.

Tuesday I needed to do the prep work for a class, Wednesday was the class.  Thursday was a treat to spend mostly by myself coloring and practicing some of the things I learned Monday.  I've been coloring my images backwards, dark, medium, light instead of using the lightest color first, medium color second and darkest color last then going back to blend with the lightest color.  That took some practice to turn around for me, I think I've got it! 
I used the same Copic markers on both cards but changed the card stock to see how it would look.  I'm not  thrilled with either card but I had fun coloring the images, one of the first rubber stamps I bought back in 2004 from Serindepity stamps, a nice size to practice blending colors.   Copic marker colors  used:  R32, R35, R37, BG11, BG13, BF18, YR00, YR61, YR65, W0, E31, E33.

I almost forgot!   I met Marianne Walker at the Copic ceritification, she was assisting Jennie Black with the class.  Both Jennie and Marianne were a lot of fun - I'm so glad I went!

Hey... what are those yellow boxes for?!!

1 comment:

  1. Love both cards...your coloring is beautiful! The ric-rac is perfect for this image! So cute!


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