Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

It's New Year's Eve and I'm at home doing what I love to do... stamping! Some of my friends have called today and think I'm crazy to be home stamping when I'm childless and could be out doing who knows what! We're all different! In my travels blog browsing I came across Joan's blog, Stamping, Cooking, Knitting...My Life, she has some cute calanders made with rectangular shaped coasters that I had to C.A.S.E. I added a post it note holder to make it a desk set for a friend who has a birthday soon.

I ordered some of the coasters on line from Pub Decor, they came today but they were all square. I can't seem to get it right ordering stuff lately. Instead of placing another order I made my own, is anyone missing any cereal boxes? My corner rounder punches couldn't handle the the weight of the cardboard so I settled for square corners.

See you next year!


Tracey said...

Your calanders look fantastic and what a great idea:)

Happy New Year!!

Tammy said...

Neat idea!! I think staying in and stamping is more fun also:).

Happy New Year!!

dasimonds said...

These calanders look great.
Super Idea.
I am staying in and stamping too.
A very "Happy New Year" to you.

scrappernic said...

Cute calendars and a darling new puppy! Wow what fabulous neighbors! You are blessed indeed :)

Marjorie said...

Fun calendars!! I like staying in as well ;D. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...


My Paper World said...

Very cute projects!

Deb said...

Fabulous calendar. Looks like you had a great Christmas too.
Happy New Year!

Diane said...

Great calendars !!! Ain't nothing wrong with staying at home doing what love doing best!!!
Happy New Year to you and your family!!!!

Rose Ann said...

Love your calendars, Jan!! Happy New Year!!

Swamp Tulip said...

Great calendars. Happy 2008.


Kristine said...

Those look sooo awesome!! :) Question: Did you find a template somewhere to create the calendar pages?? or a program on your computer? I'm not sure what to do for that part, but I've been wanting to make some of these. :) THANKS! Love the paper you used on them.

Chris (catt871) said...

These calendars are great!! Where did you print off the actual calendars??

By the way.....You've been TAGGED!!! I was tagged by fellow SBS4 sister Kristy. What is involved with the tag is:
1. Link to the person who tagged you (that would be me!!!)
2. List 7 weird, random or little know facts about yourself.
3. Tag 7 other Bloggers and let them know that they have been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blog and listing them on yours. HAVE FUN!!!

Donelda said...

Love your calendars!!!!

Donelda SBS4