Monday, December 10, 2007

The Rush Is Over - I Think...

I have a couple more dozen Christmas cards to make and I think the rush might be over. If I just lay low and don't go anywhere maybe...

Anyway, I think maybe now I can get back to regular blogging and I'm looking forward to it.

The first thing I need to share with you is I signed up to become a member of The Sisterhood 4 of Blogging Stampers. What is that you might ask? It's a group of stamping bloggers who visit each other's sites regularly and leave comments and encourage each other. I'm meeting other stampers from all over the world, how cool is that?! I have most of their blogs posted in my side bar, you might want to check them out.

The next thing I'm supposed to do is tell a little about myself, so here goes~

I'm a single stamp at home Mom of 3 kids. Rubber stamping is my passion and not a day goes by that I don't stamp. I've always loved crafting, my Mom taught me how to sew when I was a little girl. We spent countless hours together making clothes and just about anything you could imagine. I learned to make quilts in my 20's and now everyone (almost) has one. I live in a very small town in western Arizona along the Colorado River, it gets really hot here in the summer and I'd love to be anywhere else at that time of year. I'm a Christian woman who loves the Lord and I'm very involved with our church, not complete yet but enjoying the journey.
On to the card! I made this Saturday when I was supposed to be doing something else. Ever have those moments when you don't want to be doing what you're supposed to? I felt the need to use up that half sheet of 12x12 Stampin' Up! designer paper, so I went with it!
This is a sketch challenge from SCS but I don't remember what number and I'm too lazy to look it up right now. The snowman stamp is from Cornish Heritage Farms, the Merry Christmas stamp is from Elzybells (oh, I can't wait to play with those!!), the designer paper is Stampin' Up! retired of course... Brilliant Blue and White cardstock, Stickles Ice for the snow and Copic markers to color "him" in.
I need to go to bed now, I just found a really funny mistake I made. I fixed it! Good night~


Kim said...

"I felt the need to use up that half sheet of 12x12 Stampin' Up! designer paper, so I went with it!"

The words from the mouth that only a few months ago said.. " I am DP challenged"..LOL Cute card... Congrats on your blogging group.

Kim :)

Anonymous said...


My Paper World said...

Very cute! LOVE the snowman!

Rose Ann said...

Your snowman card is darling! I love the papers and sparkle!! So cute!

Deb Wood said...

This is so cute. I hoard my DP too, but have been using it more lately. Love your story. I always wanted to learn how to sew, well not always just since I grew up (which only happened after I had my son, about seven years ago). I can't even sew on a button, so a quilt is just a dream. LOL!

Kylie said...

HI There, nice to meet you, I am one of your new SBS4 sisters. I love that new card of your's he is very cute! I have a bad habit of buying yummy things and then 'keeping' them too!! I learnt to sew when I was younger too, but haven't done any sewing for a while now, it is something I would like to get back to one day.

Jane said...

I'm a fellow SBS4 sister AND a fellow Arizonian! Look forward to getting to know you better.


Donelda said...

this snowman is just sooo cute!! He is just a flying!!

Suzanne said...

Hi from another SBS4 sister. You have some great things on here can't wait to see more.

Diane said...

Have fun with your new blog friends Jan,they're in for a treat,cause you have awesome talent to show them!!!