Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back To Work For Me!

Ahh, the holidays are over... and I need to get back to work on projects that I've set aside to make all those Christmas cards.

This is a Maya Road Board Book that I'm working on. A friend of mine was lucky enough to go on vacation to Spain a couple of years ago and I get to do the scrapbook. I have 4 of these books and 2 tins that they fit into and I'm making progress. You can see one of the finished tins here.
I feel like I'm a little low on the embellishments and I'll come back to those after I get all the pictures in.
The vacation pictures are fabulous, it's difficult to pick the "best of the best"!


Anonymous said...


Donelda said...

that is increadibly kind of you!!!

Donelda SBS4

Diane said...

Wow Jan,that'll be one nice album once you're done with it!!!

Deb said...

Beautiful albums, your friends must be thrilled that you are making these up.

Kylie said...

These look fantastic, I'm sure your friend will LOVE it

My Paper World said...

Wow! great photos that you get to work with!

Rose Ann said...

Wow...that is so wonderful of you to scrap the trip for them! Looks awesome, Jan!!

Anonymous said...

lovely! the size of the scrapbooks is wonderful too- we're going to Barcelona in Oct this year, i'm going to case your idea!

~Jules~ said...

I love to create mini books!
Yours is very inspiring!

AmethystCat said...

wow - your board book is amazing! I love the papers you chose to show off your photos. And, your calendars are great too. love the colors!