Friday, February 15, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I won't be posting anything for a few days. I'm in Lake Havasu with my Dad, he hasn't been feeling well so I'm staying with him and helping out.

I'll be back to card making and blogging as soon as he's feeling better.

I do get to play on his computer while I'm here though so I am blog browsing!

See you soon, Jan


Anonymous said...


Tracey said...

Hi Jan I hope you dad is feeling better real soon aswell!

Bonnie Weiss said...

Having his 'little girl' with him, should at least, be a comfort to him. Hope he feels better soon.

dasimonds said...

Get Well Hugs for your DAD!!
Hope he is feeling better soon!

Diane said...

Get well wishes for your dad Jan!!

AmethystCat said...

hope your dad gets better soon. That's great that you can spend some time with him. hugs to you!

Kim said...

Sorry to hear about your dad Jan... hope he is feeling better soon.
Kim :)

Yani said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he gets better soon.

Marjorie said...

I hope you dad starts feeling better. I bet it helps a lot that you are there! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hope your dad feels better soon. Have a great week!

Suzanne said...

Hope your dad feels better soon.

KellyS said...

I hope your dad is feeling better!

stampingbalou said...

Hope your dad is feeling better soon and that you will be back, happy to spend this time with him... Sending you extra hugs... Your "Sister" Heike ;o)

Pat Smethers said...

Hey Jan, hope things are going much better by now. Prayers with you and dad!


Ying Pang, said...

Jane, sorry about your dad, hope that he is better soon.

Deb said...

Hope your dad is feeling better soon, take care Debx

Jane said...

Jan, hope your Dad is feeling better soon.


Maren said...

What a great daughter! :-) I am sure he appreciates your help...I hope that he feels better soon.