Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Copic Shading Class

It was fun to go out of town for a three day crafty weekend to Phoenix but it's really good to be home again!

My crafty girl friend Dagmar and I went to Phoenix this last weekend for a Copic advanced shading class taught by Jennie Black at one of their local scrapbook stores.  We decided to make it a three day weekend so we could relax and do some shopping too.  Above is the card that we made for the shading class.  

Saturday we also met up with my online friend Cathy who lives in Phoenix & got acquainted in person at the scrapbook store.  We'd met on a blog hop and corresponded through e mails and blog comments, it was really fun to meet Cathy and spend the day crafting with her.

This was an all day Copic event so there were also make 'n takes that we did.  The above card is from the first one, she was showing us how to make a quick Copic card.  We missed out on one really cute one for lack of materials that we were really disappointed about.

I learned more about air brushing while we were there so hopefully I can apply that to my crafting more and more.  The above card is also from a make 'n take by Kelly.  I'd met Kelly at the Copic certification class two years earlier so it was a fun surprise to see her again and get to visit as well as see how she's been using her Copic skills teaching and doing stuff with her local stamping and scrapbook stores.  Very fun and my favorite make 'n take of the day!

I also did a little shopping at the scrapbook store and can't wait to play with these new stamps.  

lol, do you recognize this?  I think the highlight of our shopping part of the trip was our visit to Kelly Paper.  You're looking at eight reams of different colored cardstocks.  Now... where to put it all...  

So if it's a few days before I get to do a blog post don't worry I'm just trying to catch up on stuff, I'll get back in the swing of things as quick as I can :) 

Thanks for visiting my blog today -

Operation Write Home Stars & Stamps - Masculine


Cassie said...

Looks fun, Jan! I'm going to the class in Atlanta in December, and I couldn't be more excited! All that paper looks fun too :D

Lisa Jane said...

ooh looks like you had lots of fun..
Lisa x

jimlynn said...

ALL of these are just super! Sounds like you had a great time too.

Holly Iossa (Homeschool Homestead) said...

I like all these cards. The one that has freaky so reminds me of my daughter. She loves to be different. Thanks for sharing.

Kathy and Lucky said...

What a great time you had and what great cards you made. I am drooling over all that paper, if I click my heels three times maybe I can get there. :)

Donna said...

All of your cards are wonderful!The woman with the bat umbrella is so cute and I love the sentiment.The card you made in class is so... nice!

Desert Rose Stamper said...

You do a fantastic job with the Copic markers. All of these cards are great -- I do like the little boy with the dog and airplane. The shading looks perfect to me. Looks like you had a good time shopping too (and visiting). Thanks for sharing your cards -- really inspirational.

Anonymous said...

Jan, All of the cards today are terrific. I adore the one for OWH. The outfit on that little boy is just precious. I.m sure you were probably the best in your Copic class. You always do a wonderful job at coloring. Thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Super colorings as always. Love that boy and darn sweet! Thanks for sharing!

Jen M said...

Wonderful cards, Jan - I love the little witch on the broomstick one!

Sounds like a fun weekend! :)

AllisonG said...

All of your cards are beautiful as usual. I thought that the 2nd card was a little different from your usual style, but then you said it was a make n' take, so that totally made sense. My favorite of the 3 is the 3rd one - the witch on the broomstick. I think it's the colors that I'm drawn to or the way you colored the background. Did you do that with the Copic air brush? It's stunning!

Sounds like you had a fun 3-day weekend. I'm looking forward to my 4-day scrapbook retreat in's MY vacation! :-)

airbornewife said...

Looks like you had a great time on your trip. All those reams of paper looks like a bunch I recently bought at XpedX.. love getting paper in that big of quantity. Your card turned out awesome.. you are so talented. thank you for sharing with us. ~ Pam

Sherry Hickey said...

Hi Jan, I'm glad you had a great time in Phoenix! Your card for OWH is so cute; fab coloring. But I'm in love with the little witch on the broom! Would love to know whose stamp/digi and how you colored it. The little twine/button treatment is wonderful!

Cathy P in AZ said...

It was SOOOO fun having you and Dagmar here! :) Not enough time to do everything, but enough time to enjoy what we did get to do! So nice to finally meet you, friend!

Kathy V. said...

Love the little boy card. I've seen that stamp before and thought it would be great for OWH, but now I can't remember who makes it. Can you remember?

How fun to spend a weekend coloring and shopping with crafty friends. I'm jealous!

Vicki Dutcher said...

Well to think you were that CLOSE to me (I only live 50 min away from PHX!) -- I can sure tell you learned even MORE wonderful use of your copics -- looking forward to your future coloring! I thought your "old" coloring was already fabulous!