Friday, December 21, 2007

A Little Help From My Friends~

This s a card I made with the new Time Well Spent set that Stampin' Up! sent out to all their active demonstrators as a gift recently. What stampin' girl doesn't want a little rubbah for Christmas?! I like this set and haven't gotten to play with it much yet, but I will!

I really like this sentiment that comes in the set. I must say that I did cut the little flowers on either side off and they went in the trash. Too much... I'll add my own when needed thanks...

I'm learning in my life that time spent with friends is time well spent, I thank God for the people He's put in my life. There are so many things to learn from our friends and I couldn't live without the love and support they provide. Sometimes I need to sit and talk about the same old stuff and they're always available to listen... and cheer me on. What an awesome gift.

With the holiday season upon us I'm again reminded of how blessed I am and my friends.

Yesterday comes to mind~

I'm part of the Thursday Morning Women's Ministry at Christ's Church On The River here in Parker and we met yesterday for the last time this year and finished up our study of Bad Girls of the Bible. Toward the end of our meeting they presented me with a big bag of Christmas gifts for my children and myself, gift cards and a beautiful ham for Christmas dinner. I was simply overwhelmed and blessed by their love for me and so grateful again to God for the people He has put in my life. I'm overcome with emotion again as I think about it.

And today~ Our youth Pastor was just at the door bringing Christmas gifts for my children.

Here's my perception of what's happening. A demonstration of God's love through His people. Sometimes it's difficult to accept all this with grace, but I'm learning how to do that too. It's not nice to steal other people's joy.
So... Time Spent With Friends Is Time Well Spent.

Hey! Did you notice that I used my digital paper again? I really like having an endless supply of paper I don't have to store!

I don't have ALL the right colors of Copic markers yet but I'm working on collecting as I go. I found a new web site for them that has good prices and FAST shipping too!

I colored my flower with Copic markers and the Copic Spica glitter markers, matted the image on Forest Dark by, added a strip of MFT digital paper to a Red Light ( card body and had a fairly quick card.

I had to show you the whole story behind the picture of the card today too. I had more help than I needed when it came to picture taking time. That's why I titled my blog post as I did too.
Her name is Miss Kitty (how original, I know!), she jumped up into the window about the time I started taking pictures. The card fell over, the blinds moved and blurred the picture and I felt like pulling her tail. I didn't give up and got some good pictures, life goes on.

Oh! my gosh, I almost forgot!! I'm the featured blogger over at QK Bloggers Club today! I just noticed the date of the post 12-16-07. All this emotional stuff going on with me and I must say Internet Explorer had a glitch and closed so I lost my first blog post. Excuses, excuses! I think you should click the link and goe check it out!


Jackie said...

Awwww...Miss Kitty was trying to help. We have a Miss Kitty, too and she helps me stamp my paying in the middle of my worktable and distributing fur everywhere. Gotta love 'em. I love that card and I have to find a way to get that set this year!

Jackie said...

I meant by "Laying" on my table. I should have taken typing in school.

Diane said...

I'm so happy for you Jan that people are so nice to you,you get back what you give!!! You are such
a deer person!!!
Your card is wonderful btw!!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Sparkplug17 said...

Too cute! Thanks for sharing about the copic markers. And love the card.

SBS4 sister Sparkle

Jane said...

What a wonderful card. Love what you did with your copic markers. I don't have any....yet! ;-)


Marcia @ Pretty Things said...

Gorgeous colours in this card. Don't forget - friends help take your troubles away!

Have a great Christmas and New Year and I will be in touch in 2008

Your SBS4 sister

AmethystCat said...

The card is darling - free "rubbah" is always a great thing! Miss Kitty is also fabulous and I love the name! :) What a nice Christmas blessing from your church group.

Merry Christmas!

Kristine said...

Oh, what a CUTE CUTE flower!! Love that new set--lucky girl you! :) And what a pretty kitty you have too.