Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Crissy Armstrong's Mort The Frog

I'm a guest designer today at For Fun Challenges!

Kathy contacted me and asked me if I'd like to be their guest and you know I said yes!  The theme for the challenge is Fully Relying On God, I knew I had a couple or more really cute frog digital stamps in my files.

The image I decided on is Crissy Armstrong's Mort The Frog, he's available for sale at Squigglefly.  I colored Mort with Copic markersYG01, YG03, YG23, YG63, W1.  My card layout is a sketch from Totally Gorjuss back in October 2011.  My papers are a mixture of scraps that were beside my paper trimmer.  I did use a Cuttlebug embossing folder and thought it would be fun to randomly color some of the dots to mimic Mort's skin, I did that with YG03.  The F.R.O.G. sentiment is computer generated.  I forgot to take a photo of the inside of my card, it's plain and white but says, "Fully Relying On God".

I made my card with specific friends in mind.  Our family has been praying for our friends Steve & Dottie, Dottie and I found out about the same time our husbands had cancer.  We're "online friends" through Operation Write Home so we've e mailed back and forth and gotten acquainted.  

Our family has been following her husband Steve's progress through his cancer.  I am truly inspired by their faith and dedication to each other.  They have been fully relying on God for their strength to get through this time and our family has been keeping up with them through a site called Caring Bridge and keeping them in daily prayer.  I enjoyed making my card today with Steve and Dottie on my mind, I'll write a note of encouragement inside and mail it off soon. 

This challenge theme was also inspiring to me, we all have a story and we all have our struggles and issues in life.  Sometimes we find ourselves wounded and crawling away from God, when actually we should be running to Him or crawling to Him if that's all we're capable of at the time. What a great reminder that we all need to be Fully Relying On God.

Thanks for visiting my blog today -

For Fun Challenge - Fully Relying On God
Just Keep On Creating - Anything Goes
Just Tracy's Crafts - Anything Goes
My Heart Pieces - Anything Goes
Make It Monday - Anything Goes
Oozak - Spring Colors


Anonymous said...

Jan,another winner. Great card. Love the bubbles and the plaid paper.

Unknown said...

Chrissy this froggie isso cure. Love this card

Tammy said...

This is so cute Jan! I love that sweet little frog and your color combo is one of my fav's!
Tammy x

Annette Bowes said...

Super cute card Jan, perfect background, sure to put a smile on your friends faces, keeping you all in my thoughts, popped over from Make It Monday, enjoy the rest of your week, take careX:)

Kathy D. said...

Amen, girl. Perfectly said. I didn't realize your husband was diagnosed with cancer...I was wondering what was going on with his test since you left CDS. I will add him and your family to my prayer list. Thank you so much for being a GDT member with us this week. i'm truly honored to have such a beautiful and creative GDT team this week.

Unknown said...

Great post and toadily (*snicker*) cute card.

Mary said...

What a cutie! Love your colors. Thanks for participating in the Oozak challenge. Hope you win!

Helen Dooley said...

LOL- you are toad-aly funny!. I have love your cards for so long. Im so so glad you could be with us this week!:)

Lisa Minckler said...

What a fantastic card. I just love your little frog. That's a wonderful embossed background for it too. Your post is so well written and so very true. :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to link up your talent and creative ideas with us at Make It Monday!
Lisa xx

Deanne Saunders said...

Adorable!!! Love the frog! Thank you for joining My Heart Pieces challenge this week! Hope to see you again next week!

ddazzled71 said...

This is just gorgeous in Green and Blue and your frog is adorable. I particularly love your embossed spotty background. Thanks so much for joining us at My Heart Pieces.
Danie xx

suzARTe said...

what a great card, a fun card that certainly has a lot of meaning.

Thanks so much for sharing your creation at Anything goes, Just keep on creating, I hope you will continue to play along. Sorry about the the delay in leaving my comment I have been overseas and then got sick, I will be announcing the winners and will have the next challenge by 01/09 :)