Friday, May 11, 2012

Kitchen Aid 13 Cup Food Processor Review

I ordered this super cool Kitchen Aid 13 Cup Food Processor from QVC and it arrived today, 
how exciting!
As you can see from the photo above it's quite a bit larger than the Sunbeam Oskar food processor my Mom bought me around 20 years ago.  

I unpacked it, washed all the parts and read over all the directions so I'd be ready to try it out.  The Oskar is basically a chopper and the Kitchen Aid is a multi-tasking workhorse.  I'm excited about being able to slice foods so that's where I started.  I grabbed a block of cheddar cheese and sliced it, wow how cool is this?!

Next I peeled a half dozen carrots and sliced those a little thinner than my cheddar cheese for dehydrating.  The machine sounded different as the last carrots went through.  
As I took it apart to clean it again I noticed this -

I'm bummed, it's broken after two uses.  Not a very good value for the $$$.
I have read the Kitchen Aid warranty information, looks like they'll replace it - now I suppose I'll find out just how good their service really is.  I also need to see if QVC will do anything for me,  I'm not sure I want a replacement if you only get two uses out of it at a time. 

I'll keep you up to date with how this all turns out.

Thanks for visiting my blog today -


Carol L said...

If I'm not mistaken, QVC has a no questions asked refund policy for 30 days on all products they sell. I'd probably send it back for a refund and perhaps look for something else if it failed after just 2 uses!! I stopped buying major appliances from QVC because just about everything they sell is made overseas. What a disappointment huh?

Yvonne said...

I so sorry yours broke after 2 uses. My husband bought one for me for my birthday and I LOVE it. I've used it a few times and haven't had an issue. he bought it from Bed Bath and Beyond Online.

Patti P. said...

oh Jan, how disappointing for you, I have been wanting one of these and hope you get to share again soon. I bought a Kitchenaid Mixer (one of the big 6Qt) and have had it a couple of years and love it so much. I bet this was just a fluke....don't give up yet.

Anonymous said...

Jan, That is such a shame. I'm sure you had dreams of different things you wanted to do with your new "toy".
I'm so sorry for you. Let's hope whatever one you get next is better.