Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Operation Write Home Midweek Throwdown Challenge

My card today is for our Operation Write Home Midweek Throwdown challenge, the theme is Thank You!

I also wanted to say thank you to Sandy at Operation Write Home for the fun opportunity she gave me as her Midweek Throwdown challenge coordinator for the past several years, it's been long enough I can't remember how many...  Anyway, it's time for me to say a fond farewell to my "job" as OWH's Midweek Throwdown challenge coordinator and move forward with my new soap business.  I've been much busier than I expected with the new business and I'm having a hard time getting everything accomplished for my commitment to Operation Write Home so it's time to turn it over to someone new.  That certain someone will be Allison, she's been part of our OWH team for awhile now, she's awesome and I know she's going to take the Midweek Throwdown challenge to the next level.  

A big Thank You to all the friends I've made while being involved with Operation Write Home, what a wonderful group of dedicated card makers we have!

So... I challenge you to make a Thank You card for Operation Write Home this week and send it in!

Thanks for visiting my blog today -



Anonymous said...

Jan, Love this card you shared with us today. Bright, Cheery and a sign of new things coming your way. You will be sorely missed. The very best of luck with your new business.

Diane said...

HI Jan- such a happy card-- I know you did that to soften the blow! I am very much going to miss your throwdowns- I looked forward to Wednesdays to see what you have come up with each week! I thank you for all your work and inspiration and hope that you continue to make cards and share them on your blog- in addition to your soaps! I wish you the very best in your business- being too busy is a good thing right now!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

I've enjoyed your throwdown challenges and your wonderful cards. Thanks very much for the inspiration. You will be missed, but I'm so very glad your soap business is taking off. Wishing you all the best.

Bev aka sf_crafter