I think it was last Saturday that I put together this notebook for my DTGD challenges, they were piling up on my kitchen table as I was printing them out. I seriously want to do them and don't want to lose any or throw them away. We all know what our work spaces get to lookin' like!
It's been a busy few days around here, I've been working on the Wedding Album like a good girl today. I took a slight detour yesterday with my old laptop computer.
I've been teaching the lesson for Celebrate Recovery Kids on Friday night for the last 4 weeks and needed a computer for the Power Point Prestentation. I had an old laptop that had been replaced and was just collecting dust so I thought if one of my computer literate fix a fella friends could make it "new" again maybe I could use it for that.
He handed it back to me Friday night all ready to go. Sooooooo, I sat here with it most of the day yesterday putting in stuff that I'd need for "CR" and I got to thinking about the printer I have that I can't make work with Windows Vista. It sure works nice with Windows XP in the laptop! Yea me!
This computer geek is a happy girl with 2 computers and printers going now. Yes, all at the same time...
Love your blog, you are very talented, you have created some very lovely cards.
Great idea! I love it!
This book is a wonderful idea! Great news about the computer stuff too.
WOW this is so fabulous and what a wonderful idea to keep trap of ALL those challenges!! I don't even have any printed out -- better do that soon I guess!
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