First things first! My craftroom/kitchen table is done, yea!! They came to install it yesterday but had to take the legs back and add the black glaze that was overlooked. I didn't get home from court until almost 4:00 p.m. so I thought I'd missed out on finishing the table today. The guys arrived right at 5:00, the table was set for dinner and the tacos were about ready to serve. I turned off dinner and cleared the table. I've been waiting a year for this... what's another hour till dinner?!

I'm happy with it, there are 2 file drawers and 3 cabinets with doors for storage in the base of it. I think it will look more like a table with all 6 chairs around it, tonight it kind of looks like an island with legs. The best part is I'll be able to fit 8 ladies around it for stamping!
My picture below is Inky the cat in the bathroom sink. My little boy caught her curled up in there just before bed time. I didn't get there in time for that picture but this one is almost as cute. No wonder there was so much black fur in that bathroom sink this morning...

I have to tell you a little bit about the rest of my day too. Today was "my day in court". If you've been following my blog for awhile you know that last year I had a broken pipe under my kitchen floor that started a kitchen remodel nightmare.
I hired a contractor to replace my bottom cabinets because they were water damaged. Long story short - I gave him a deposit of half the cost of the job with a promise to complete it in 4 weeks. After 8 months, half done cabinets, complaints filed with The Registrar of Contractors, The Better Business Bureau and numerous phone calls to try to get the job done I hired a new contractor and filed a lawsuit.
We went to court today. There is no judgement yet, the judge needs to go over our paperwork to make her decision and will get back to us in 5 to 6 weeks. You may be thinking WHAT?! It's okay, I kept excellent records and she has them now. His record keeping wasn't so good, and his dates were inconsistant with what he said in court. I made sure to point that out.
I think she was very gracious to the two of us not even would be attorney's presenting our cases and more than patient. It was not fun and I really don't think I'd like to do that again but will if I have to.
Do you know what the best part of this was? I found out from the new contractor I hired to finish the job that the judge is having her kitchen remodeled. She's his next customer. I think God has a great sense of humor. Who better to hear your case than a woman who's about to have her kitchen remodeled.