Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Copic Intermediate Certification

I wanted to check in today and tell you a little about the Copic Intermediate certification class Dagmar and I went to in Las Vegas.  What fun!  Our instructor was Colleen Schaan.  This class was from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM with a break for lunch and dinner, the day flew by!  Colleen is a wonderfully fun, animated, personable and just down right cute personality!

I learned more about light source and how to use the light source templates from Marianne Walkers Shadows & Shading book.  I also learned about cast shadows and how to use them in my Copic coloring.  Colleen challenged us to step out of our comfort zones to the next level of Copic coloring, I can't wait to practice, practice, practice everything I learned!

If you've been thinking about taking the Copic Intermediate certification class I highly recommend it.  And, if you're lucky enough to have Colleen Schaan in your area as an instructor it's a guaranteed good time!

My crafty friend Dagmar brought along her Copic Coloring Guide by Colleen Schaan and Marianne Walker to have it signed by Colleen.  I'd heard about the book but hadn't looked at it, after taking this class and meeting Colleen I had to have it too.  Amazon.com here we come!

In review Dagmar and I had a great three day weekend in Las Vegas, and you know what they say...
what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...

Thanks for visiting my blog today -


Anonymous said...

I took a class over at MCM with Colleen. She is just a delight to work with. So glad you had a great three days.

Vicki Dutcher said...

Isn't she a sweetie! I met her [brief moment] at last summer's CHA. Can't wait to see your "new & improved" coloring! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad that you had tons of fun and learned a lot! I already think your colouring is amazing so I'm looking forward to seeing more of your cards!