Would you look at that cat keeping an eye on what's going on! I didn't notice her until I saw the picture on my computer screen.
This was their first experience setting eyelets and they did really well for being six and seven years old. Funny how we take so many things for granted. Mikey started out using the hammer left handed, scissors too. Once he discovered he's actually right handed the tools worked great!
You won't believe what they said to me when I told them I'd show them how to set eyelets! Oh Mom, we already know how to do that, we've watched you... Future crafters here we come!
Michael is pulling the ribbon through the eyelets and tying the ribbon in knots to finish the sides. The knot tying was tricky for him but with practice he did real well.
The last picture is of Jenny, she's putting her eyelets in the paper. She let her brother go first so when it was her turn she already knew what to do. Hmmm, sounds a bit like her mother!
Would you believe I couldn't get one more picture to download? I guess you'll have to stop back tomorrow to see a finished treat box. I didn't get a descent picture of the kids with theirs but I did get a good picture of one "holding still".
I remember being a little girl and my Mom teaching me how to sew. She'd be right there with me pinning and having me sew. We spent countless hours together making things, she was an awesome seamstress. We'd even get together at her house after I was grown up and sew together. She's gone now but each time I sew and make clothes or something fun for my kids I remember her and I'm always blessed by what she taught me and the hours of pleasure that gift still brings to me.
We are getting a gentle rain right now. This is what we've been waiting for to cool our weather down, it was supposed to be 93 for a high today. Yippee! I planted my winter grass not too long ago and this rain will bring it in for me.
Have a great day!
Adorable pictures, Jan! Your children are dolls! Future crafters for sure. Can't wait to see the finished projects!
They take after their Mom don't they!! They're cute and talented!!
Sa-weet!! :)
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